Books can be expensive, especially if they are trending or a recent bestseller. We all know that the library can be a good solution most of the time, but not always, especially if you live in a non-English speaking country. So here are some of my favorite places to buy books and eBooks on a budget!
ThriftBooks is a great, cheap second-hand bookstore where you can buy and sell books. They even offer international shipping!
BookScouter is a platform that compares all the best deals on used books across multiple online bookstores, they also offer books in multiple different languages!
Now, let's discuss ebooks! This can be an excellent choice as they take up less space, are often cheaper, and are a great option for ESL readers since ebooks allow you to easily highlight and translate text instantly. I recommend investing in a Kindle; you can get a used Kindle costing around $50 USD or opt for the paperwhite kindle costing around $180 USD. Besides using a Kindle, you can easily download ebooks on your laptop, phone, or tablet! Here are some budget-friendly options!
BookBub is like Bookscouter in that it compares prices to find the best deals, but it focuses exclusively on ebooks and frequently offers free book options.
Lastly, make sure to check out Everand. This subscription app costs $9.99 USD per month and offers a variety of content such as ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts, and even sheet music! It caters to readers who appreciate the flexibility of being able to read and listen to books without the need to purchase them separately. Moreover, Everand offers a 30-day free trial, allowing you to enjoy free books for a month!
Although finding more affordable books can save you lots of money, especially if you're an avid reader, remember to never read pirated books. Authors work so hard for us to be able to enjoy these brilliant books they publish, and they deserve the royalties for their hard work. If authors cannot earn a living from their work due to widespread piracy, it reduces their motivation to create more content. In addition, unauthorized distribution of an author's work can lead to poor quality versions circulating, which can harm the author's reputation and brand. So please be mindful when looking for cheaper book options that you are still being respectful to the authors and publishers. Learn more about piracy by clicking here!